Create A Vault at Home for Storing Gold

How do you safely store gold at home? From having worked with clients throughout the world, we can provide insight and products that will give you complete peace of mind and security for your precious metals at home.

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If you’ve worked hard to build up a reserve of precious metals in your home, you’re probably wondering:

  • What is the safest method to store my gold at home?
  • Can I insure gold stored at home?
  • How can I keep my precious metals secret?
  • What’s the best safe for storage?
  • Should I move my gold to a safety deposit box instead?

Much of our work with collectors and investors who keep gold at home has been in guiding them to a gold and silver storage solution that is secure, secret and spacious. Find our top recommendations below.

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Naturally, you need a location that can’t be opened easily.

A space easily accessed will negate the whole point of investment hedging with silver or gold. Poor security will also make it challenging or impossible to receive insurance for your gold or silver. We believe you should have peace-of-mind while traveling, knowing that your investments at home are well protected.

The problem with standard safes for precious metal storage is that they can all be broken into with enough time and the right tools. This is why security is only part of the puzzle.

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Safes attract criminals

Do you ever have a cleaning lady or maintenance worker in your home? The larger the safe, the wilder peoples’ imaginations run when seeing it. Most people have good intentions, but you don’t want the wrong person knowing that you have something valuable to hide.

It might be the government you want to hedge against. Most collectors know about Franklin Roosevelt’s executive order 6102, decreed in 1933, to criminalize the “hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion…within the United States.” For many of us, our investment in precious metals is partially as a hedge against unstable, fiat currency.

A criminal can’t steal what they can’t find.

Whether your bullion or coins are hidden in an secured, hollowed out book or behind one of our hidden door systems, you’ll have your valuables completely hidden rather than testing a criminal’s or the governments’ lock breaking skills. Even expert home inspectors commonly miss our hidden doors. 

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You’ve worked hard to build your collection of gold and silver bullion, coins and more. Why wouldn’t you want to enjoy it?

This is another big reason our clients love having a secret door. Instead of cramming their precious metals into a small, hard to access safe, they place a secret door that leads to an existing closet or room – this way YOU can enjoy your beautiful investment in the way that it is meant to be displayed – without the wrong people being any the wiser. Whether looking for gold coin storage or safety for a stockpile of bullion, with a secret door your vault space is unlimited.

Using a secure and secret home vault is the top recommendation for home gold storage, and we provide the doors to make it a reality.

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Protect your investment.

Our secret doors start at $1,500 and fit in place of standard door openings.

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