Packing And Unpacking A Secret Door

Packing And Unpacking A Secret Door

At Creative Home Engineering, we spend countless hours designing and engineering premium secret doors, using exceptional craftsmanship and the highest quality materials. So, when we pack a door to prepare it for the journey it will take to its intended destination, we make sure it’s protected by more than a layer of bubble wrap.

In fact, we build our shipping crates in-house, relying on the same skills and craftsmanship our talented team utilized to create the door in the first place. While we choose to do this, it’s also something we feel we need to do, to protect the integrity of the door and out of necessity, since containers don’t really exist for the installations we build.

Some of our custom doors range in size, shape and scale in very distinct ways, requiring custom packaging for shipment. From fireplaces to phone booths to entertainment centers and staircases, we’ve tested the limits of shipment capabilities in some almost unbelievable ways. While our shipping containers may require creativity and skill, all of our doors are built with the intent that they can be easily installed by local contractors, a handyman or even the homeowner — even if they don’t specialize in hidden door installation. 

We can’t be everywhere and our doors ship all over the world, so we make sure our doors can be installed locally. If you’re considering a secret door, here’s what to expect when it comes to shipping.

How we pack. As we’ve said, we build our own shipping containers at our Arizona facility, creating custom packaging to ensure every door is properly protected in transit. We use foam buffers to protect against bumps and scratches and we make sure that every door is securely and snugly positioned within its shipping container before sending it on its way. Since our packaging is not automated, and is done by hand, we’re constantly running quality assurance checks throughout the process. 

Our shipping style. At Creative Home Engineering, we have chosen to ship all of our doors, regardless of size or style, by crate. Others in the industry choose to ship some styles of doors in containers fashioned from pallets, but we prefer the safety and performance of a crate given its contents. 

Delivery to you. Once the door is packaged and picked up by a designated shipping company, it is delivered directly to a home or business — wherever it is intended to be installed. All this means is that buyers don’t have to arrange for other local transportation of the door once it arrives. 

Arrival to installation. The shipping company handling the delivery of the secret door will make sure the door is removed from the truck it arrives on and positioned in a designated area at the home or business where it will be installed. From there, it’s up to the buyer to arrange for installation, with a local contractor or with the support of our team. While we do offer installation services on request, our doors are designed to be easily installed. Our team offers unlimited Facetime and phone support throughout the process and we provide helpful instructions and useful videos for homeowners to reference. 

Shipment of a secret door requires some coordination between the Creative Home Engineering team, the delivery company being used, the buyer and the chosen contractor installing the door. Keep this in mind as the design and build process comes to a close and be sure to communicate any challenges or expectations to our team so the process can go as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.

Learn more details about the delivery process by watching this video.

Creative Home Engineering, a Gilbert, Arizona-based company, is the global leader in designing and manufacturing secret doors. From swinging bookcases to sliding walls to rotating fireplaces and safe rooms, Creative Home Engineering has been an innovative leader in the field of hidden passageway design for more than 20 years. Learn more at

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