a man welding metal parts

Why Us

Not all secret doors are created equal.

We’re often contacted by frustrated customers asking if we can repair or modify a door they bought elsewhere. Sadly, most of these doors need to be replaced — a costly mistake that can be avoided by understanding the key differences between a door from the Hidden Door Store and the competition.

competitor comparison between Hidden Door Store and Murphy Door

Passing the Penny Test

What good is a hidden door if it can be discovered?

Two pennies stacked flat is our absolute maximum gap across the floor – we don’t let a door ship if it can’t hit this basic benchmark. And our doors ALWAYS do.

Top Picture: Hidden Door Store

Bottom Picture: Murphy Door

comparison between gaps on doors

Hidden Seams

We’re extremely careful in how we design our doors to minimize forward-facing seams and other areas prone to light leakage.

If the goal is to be undetectable, you can trust Hidden Door Store to do the job.

Left: Hidden Door Store

Right: Murphy Door

comparison between door seams

Four Tests to Know You’re Getting the Best Secret Door


The One Finger Test

Every door we build passes what we call “the one finger test.” A well designed and well built secret door shouldn’t take more than just a few pounds of force to open or close, even when loaded to capacity.

If a door can’t pass this test (and the vast majority can’t), run away! Chances are, it has serious sag issues that have been concealed by the use of feet, wheels, or ramps. Eventually, the sag, grinding, or rubbing will cause difficult operation or mechanical failure.

Our doors stand apart because:

  • We use exclusive Pivot Plus™ hinges designed for secret doors that are 100% machined and assembled in house.
  • We design our doors with modern CAD tools, not cabinet software, to optimize stiffness.
  • Our doors are more than just wood on a hinge. Special steel components in the door counteract twisting forces. We laser cut these parts on our 3kw fiber laser.

Hidden Door Store

Leading Competitor


The Penny Test

A secret door is pointless if it sticks out like a sore thumb. That’s why we created “the penny test.” A penny is less than 1/16″ thick — equal to the size we strive for on all of our visible seams. Two pennies stacked flat is our absolute maximum gap across the floor. In fact, we don’t let a door ship if it can’t hit this basic benchmark. We’re also extremely careful in how we design our doors to minimize forward-facing seams and other areas prone to light leakage. No other secret door builder even comes close to passing the penny test. We are so confident in the quality of our concealment that we even guarantee your door won’t be discovered during a burglary.

Our doors excel in this test because:

  • We make sure our gaps are 1/8″ or less (2 pennies stacked).
  • Difficult to detect even upon close inspection.
  • Seams carefully hidden behind overlapping parts.

Hidden Door Store

Leading Competitor


The Toolbox Test

Have you ever bought a product, opened it, and felt like you were unpacking a Russian nesting doll? Box after box of parts and countless pages of instructions. We aren’t into that, and know you aren’t either. All of our doors (except our kits, of course) come pre-hung and ready to install. You don’t need special tools or a team of contractors to install our doors. Many companies sell projects, not products, passing along the expense of tools and trades to you.

Our doors pass the toolbox test because:

  • Our doors are pre-hung and ready to install.
  • All electrical and locking systems are installed and tested before shipment.
  • No special tools or trades are required for installation.

Hidden Door Store

Leading Competitor


The Telephone Test

Call us during regular business hours and see how long it takes to talk to a real person. Even better, the people who answer our phones are experts on the products we manufacture. In the rare event there’s a question they can’t answer, our engineers and production team are always available and willing to help out. Want to video chat instead? No problem, we can walk you through technical, installation, or purchasing questions while viewing your space in real time.

Our company passes the telephone test because:

  • No phone trees. No red tape. Get personal attention fast.
  • Engineers are available for highly technical or special cases.
  • Video calls are always welcome.

Hidden Door Store

Leading Competitor

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