
Inspiration and Ideas to Help You Choose the Perfect Secret Door for Your Space

Usage Scenario 4

I have kids and I need a safe place to store my gun collection. If I replace the door to my coat…

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Usage Scenario 3

My office has an awkward little alcove in it that makes my the entire office look…

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Usage Scenario 2

I’ve always loved the idea of secret passageways, and now that I’m building a new home…

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Usage Scenario 1

My house has a small room under the stairs that is difficult to use, but it would make the perfect…

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How to: Create a Secure Gun Closet

How to: Create A Secure Gun Closet Why are more and more clients using our secret doors to create their own gun closet? There are many benefits to building a …

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Electric Maglock used for secret doors

Why Are Magnetic Door Locks Popular

Unbeatable Security with the Use of Magnetic Door Locks Most of us wished there would be a secret passageway that we would one day discover in our childhood homes. Although …

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Home Library Bookcases

Creating a home library with a hidden door disguised as a bookshelf is easier than ever. Not only do we offer a door to make your library complete, but also …

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Create A Vault at Home for Storing Gold

How do you safely store gold at home? From having worked with clients throughout the world, we can provide insight and products that will give you complete peace of mind …

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Secret Door Ideas From Movies & Books

Bring your favorite secret door from a movie to life! Read on to see how to create these hidden doors using products from The HIdden Door Store.

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Hidden Doors in Walls

Whether you need a door hidden as part of the wall, or a door in front of your wall – we have a solution for you.

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Giza pyramids

A Brief History of Secret Doors

Ancient Times

Secret doors have been used in structures for thousands of years. Though in modern times we often think of them in whimsical terms due to their frequent dramatization in movies, their historical ubiquity is in fact due to their highly effective security benefits.

Some of the most fascinating secret doors can be found in the intricate passageway systems of ancient Egyptian pyramids. While the pyramids served as an ostentatious memorial of the Pharaoh, they were an obvious target for thieves. Large amounts of gold and gems were stored with each monarch so they could bring their riches to the after life. To thwart robbers the kings were buried in chambers secured by secret passageways.

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